Once We Have a Clear Concept, What Are Those Internal Variables or the Well-Known 4p's That We Have Talked About? the Product, Price, Place or Place and Promotion. the Marketing Mix Strategy Will Be Aimed at Adapting These Four Variables to the Market. a Very Clear Example Is When a Company Wants to Make the Leap to Digital. as Is Logical, This Will Have to Adapt the Variables to the Digital Context After Seeing How the Market and the Consumer Behave in This Medium. the 4ps of Marketing Have Analyzed the Strategy of Companies Internally Since the 1960s. They Serve to Organize and Detail the Actions Related to Making Goods and Services Available to the Target
Audience. for This, It Is Important to Take into Account the Behavior of the Market and Our Potential Client. the Objective Is to Achieve Maximum Customer Retention and Loyalty, Satisfying Their Needs to the Maximum. After This Example, the Answer executive list to What the Marketing Mix Is Is Clear: Something as Simple and Complicated as Managing to Place the Right Product, in the Right Place, at the Right Time and at the Right Price. What Are the 4p's of the Marketing-Mix?
Price the Price of the Product or Service Is Still a Fundamental Factor for the Vast Majority of Customers. When We Are Not Able to Differentiate Ourselves from Our Competition, Price Always Becomes the Decisive Factor. We Must Establish a Price for the Product, Large Enough to Generate Income to Cover Expenses and Also Generate a Profit. It Is Also Important to Take into Account the Maximum Price That the Client Is Willing to Pay. a Deep Knowledge of the Market Will Give Us Many More Clues Than a Study of the Company's Internal Costs. This Variable