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NİİM-in faydaları: Nəqliyyat xidmətlərinin keyfiyyəti necə yüksəlir?

What is NIIM AZ?

If you live in or visit Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan, you may have noticed some signs of a smart transport system that is transforming the way people move around. This system is called NIIM AZ, which stands for Nəqliyyatı İntellektual İdarəetmə Mərkəzi, or Transportation Intelligent Management Center in English. But what exactly is NIIM AZ and how does it work? In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about this innovative project that aims to improve traffic safety, efficiency and quality in Baku.

niim az


How does NIIM AZ work?

NIIM AZ is a complex system of interconnected technologies that monitor and manage traffic flow and public transport in Baku. It was established in 2011 by a presidential decree as a part of the Transport Ministry, but since 2022 it has been under the supervision of the Interior Ministry. The main purpose of NIIM AZ is to modernize and optimize the transport system in Baku by using intelligent transport systems (ITS) technologies. Some of the main components and features of NIIM AZ are:


NIIM AZ uses GPS (Global Positioning System) technology to track and monitor the location, speed and direction of vehicles on the road. This allows NIIM AZ to collect and analyze traffic data, such as traffic volume, density, speed and travel time. Based on this data, NIIM AZ can adjust traffic signals, provide traffic information and guidance, and detect and respond to traffic incidents. GPS also enables NIIM AZ to monitor and manage the fleet of public transport vehicles, such as buses, taxis and metro trains. NIIM AZ can provide real-time information on the arrival and departure times, routes and occupancy of these vehicles, as well as optimize their schedules and routes according to the demand and traffic conditions.

Smart parking

NIIM AZ provides smart parking solutions for drivers who want to find a parking space in Baku. NIIM AZ has installed sensors and cameras in various parking lots and garages across the city, which can detect the availability and occupancy of parking spaces. NIIM AZ can then display this information on electronic boards, mobile applications and websites, so that drivers can easily find a suitable parking spot. NIIM AZ also offers online reservation and payment systems for parking spaces, as well as automated enforcement of parking rules and regulations.

Smart bus stop

NIIM AZ offers real-time information and services for public transport users at smart bus stops. A smart bus stop is a bus stop that has a digital display, a speaker, a camera, a microphone and a Wi-Fi hotspot. The digital display shows the arrival and departure times, routes and occupancy of buses, as well as other useful information such as weather, news and events. The speaker announces the arrival and departure of buses, as well as any alerts or notifications. The camera monitors the security and safety of the bus stop, while the microphone allows users to communicate with NIIM AZ operators or emergency services. The Wi-Fi hotspot provides free internet access for users who want to surf the web or use online services.

Smart traffic light

NIIM AZ optimizes traffic flow and safety with smart traffic light systems. A smart traffic light is a traffic light that can communicate with other traffic lights, vehicles and NIIM AZ operators. A smart traffic light can adjust its timing and sequence according to the traffic demand and conditions, as well as coordinate with other traffic lights to create a green wave or avoid congestion. A smart traffic light can also detect and respond to emergency vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists and other road users, by giving them priority or warning signals. A smart traffic light can also send and receive information from NIIM AZ operators or emergency services, such as alerts or instructions. What are the benefits of NIIM AZ?

NIIM AZ is not only a smart transport system, but also a smart solution for the city, the environment and the citizens. By using NIIM AZ, Baku can enjoy the following benefits:

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Improved traffic safety

NIIM AZ reduces accidents and violations on the road by using surveillance and enforcement technologies. NIIM AZ can detect and record traffic offences, such as speeding, running red lights, illegal parking, etc., and issue fines or penalties to the offenders. NIIM AZ can also alert and assist emergency services in case of accidents or incidents, by providing them with the location, situation and video footage of the scene. NIIM AZ can also prevent or mitigate traffic jams, which can cause stress, frustration and aggression among drivers.

Increased road capacity

NIIM AZ maximizes road space and efficiency by using intelligent management technologies. NIIM AZ can adjust traffic signals, lanes and speed limits according to the traffic demand and conditions, as well as coordinate with other transport modes, such as public transport, metro, rail, etc., to create a seamless and integrated transport network. NIIM AZ can also provide traffic information and guidance to drivers and users, such as the best route, the shortest time, the cheapest cost, etc., to help them make informed and optimal decisions.

Enhanced service quality

NIIM AZ improves customer satisfaction and convenience by using information and communication technologies. NIIM AZ can provide real-time information on traffic and public transport to drivers and users, such as traffic status, arrival and departure times, routes and occupancy, etc., through various channels, such as electronic boards, mobile applications, websites, etc. NIIM AZ can also offer online reservation and payment systems for parking spaces and public transport tickets, as well as feedback and complaint mechanisms for customers. Reduced environmental damage

NIIM AZ lowers emissions and noise on the road by using eco-friendly solutions. NIIM AZ can reduce fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by optimizing traffic flow and speed, as well as promoting public transport usage and alternative transport modes, such as cycling, walking, etc. NIIM AZ can also reduce noise pollution by regulating traffic volume and intensity, as well as enforcing noise limits and restrictions.

Boosted transport productivity

NIIM AZ increases transport performance and profitability by using data analysis and optimization technologies. NIIM AZ can collect and process large amounts of traffic and transport data, such as traffic patterns, user preferences, service quality, etc., and use them to improve planning, design, operation and maintenance of the transport system. NIIM AZ can also use data to evaluate and compare the effectiveness and efficiency of different transport modes, projects and policies, and provide recommendations and feedback for improvement.

Promoted public transport usage

NIIM AZ encourages people to use public transport more often by using incentives and facilities. NIIM AZ can provide discounts, rewards, subsidies or free tickets for public transport users, especially for low-income, elderly or disabled groups. NIIM AZ can also provide comfortable, accessible a


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