When we advertise online today, we marketers have so many different ad formats at our disposal that the decision can seem Image Masking impossible. We do not want to lose any business opportunity, but being present everywhere is impossible, so we have to know how to filter and choose the most effective strategies. To make this choice, the first thing we have to look at is the stage in which users are in the conversion funnel. It is not the same to address someone who Image Masking barely knows our brand as it is to someone who is comparing prices to buy. To make your decision easier, here are the 20 ad formats with the best ROI , divided by stages.
Here we go! Online advertising the 20 ad formats with the best ROI The best ad formats for online advertising Ad formats Image Masking with the best ROI for the TOFU phase In this phase, the best online advertising formats are those that manage to attract the user's attention and encourage their interest in the brand, since they still do not know enough about it. 1) Video Ads . Video is one of the most successful content on social networks over the last year. Take advantage Image Masking of this trend with videos that tell a story while conveying your brand values. 2) Content Marketing .
A classic, but no less effective for that. With a good long-term content strategy, you will attract new users to your brand. 3) Digital Image Masking Signage . This ad format combines outdoor advertising (ads in shopping centers or on the street) with digital elements transmitted through screens. 4) Display advertising . The display is very appropriate for campaigns focused on Image Masking generating brand awareness. Today, you do not have to limit yourself to banners with text and images, but you can bet on video and interactive elements. Of course, you will have to be careful with ad blockers.