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Password Remover Deep Freeze 722

Password Remover Deep Freeze 722 - How to Remove and Uninstall Deep Freeze without the Password

Deep Freeze is a software that can protect your computer from being altered or damaged by restoring it to a predefined configuration after every reboot. However, if you forget the password that you set for Deep Freeze, you may not be able to access its settings or uninstall it from your system. In this article, we will show you how to remove and uninstall Deep Freeze without the password using some methods that do not require any third-party password remover tools.

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Method 1: Replace Persi0.sys File

This method involves replacing the Persi0.sys file, which is the password file of Deep Freeze, with another one that has a known password. To do this, you will need another computer with the same version of Deep Freeze installed and a USB drive. Here are the steps:

  • Launch Deep Freeze on the computer where you forgot the password and check the version number. Remember it or write it down.

  • Download the same version of Deep Freeze on another computer and install it. Set a password that is easy to remember, such as 1234.

  • Reboot the second computer and boot it with a WinPE USB drive or any other Windows live system.

  • Open the C: drive and locate the Persi0.sys file, which is the password file of Deep Freeze. Copy this file to your USB drive as a backup.

  • Reboot the first computer and boot it with a WinPE USB drive or any other Windows live system.

  • Open the C: drive and find the Persi0.sys file. Delete it or rename it to something else.

  • Paste the Persi0.sys file from your USB drive to the C: drive to replace the original one.

  • Reboot the first computer normally. Hold down the Shift key and click on the Deep Freeze icon. Enter the password 1234. If you can open the settings window, that means you have successfully removed the password.

This method is based on [The Easiest Way to Remove the Password of Deep Freeze].

Method 2: Change System Date in BIOS

This method exploits a feature of Deep Freeze that allows you to bypass the password by changing your system date in BIOS. To do this, you will need to access your BIOS settings and set your system date at least 10 years ahead or behind the current date. Here are the steps:

  • Reboot your computer and press your BIOS setup key during the boot process. The key may vary depending on your computer model, but it is usually F2, F10, F12, or Del.

  • In BIOS settings, go to System Date and Time and change it to a date that is at least 10 years ahead or behind the current date. For example, if today is September 2, 2023, you can change it to September 2, 2013 or September 2, 2033.

  • Save and exit BIOS settings and reboot your computer normally.

  • Press and hold the F8 key during the boot process. This will open Windows Advanced Startup menu. Select Debug or Debugging Mode from the list of options.

  • Once Windows starts in Debug mode, open Task Manager by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Delete or right-clicking on the taskbar. Find and end any processes related to Deep Freeze, such as FrzState2k.exe or DFserv.exe.

  • You can now uninstall Deep Freeze from Control Panel or by running its installer again and choosing Uninstall option.

This method is based on [how to recover deep freeze password].


In this article, we have shown you how to remove and uninstall Deep Freeze without the password using two methods that do not require any third-party password remover tools. These methods are not guaranteed to work for all versions of Deep Freeze, so use them at your own risk. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment below.


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