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Books That Changed My Life

Writer's picture: Dillon BrooksDillon Brooks

Updated: Jun 3, 2021

The Books below are my FAVORITE Books and I literally recommend them to everyone I meet. I have purchased and shipped these books to many friends and family members in hopes that it can help them, like it helped me! (Scroll down for 20 Books)

Background on Me

I was a 4.0 student in High School and was almost Valedictorian. I then got a partial Academic Scholarship to attend The University of Denver. To the say least, I thought I was smart and knew a lot of information. I was told to read "School Textbooks" that were in the $100's of dollars (one being $550!). And I was told this was the best, most up-to-date information that would make me an "Educated, Smart Student"..... It wasn't until I read my first non-fiction book that cost less than $10 (Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki) did I realize how off base school had really taken me!

This opened my eyes to the true workings of society, history, biology, science, capitalism, investment and alternative thinking. This took me down a road that I am SO HAPPY I went down! And of course I couldn't stop thinking about:

"How dry and poorly written these out-dated EXPENSIVE School Textbooks really were!"

At first I was upset and angry. I felt betrayed by my own education system. FORCING me to purchase books that were more expensive than a yearly SKI PASS?!? Just for ONE CLASS?!?! Then as I purchased and read more and more books off of Amazon that were LITERALLY BETWEEN $10 - $30, that were written by some of the smartest minds in the World, did I begin to see the full picture and feel happy about the information that I was reading!

The Book listed below I have read MORE THAN ONCE! These books changed the course of my life and hopefully they can help change yours! (Each books is linked to Amazon for your convenience 😊).

My Top 20 - In an Order That Makes Sense for New Citizen Scientist Journey Members!

(Explained at the bottom of this page is why I put each book into each order)

(Also most Non-Fiction books range from 300-400 pgs)

1. Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki -

(Finance/Life Perspective) - A Great starter book that helps break the paradigm that we are taught in schools. 240 pages, but small pages so it's an easy, fast way to get into reading, after school conditioned you to dislike it.

2. Think & Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill -

(Goal Setting/Life/Finance) - Very important book to read. This is much more than the title says. It's not just a finance book. It illustrates how successful/happy people break big dreams, or goals down into do-able daily actions! Only 200 pages and small pages so again another good, easy read!

3. Your Are The Placebo - Dr. Joe Dispenza -

(The Power of THOUGHTS!/Biology) - This book changed my entire paradigm of life! How I think LITERALLY! Thinking controls your life, your health, your happiness, your actions, behaviors, habits and emotions. This book provides study after study, example after example and science backed evidence to show you how POWERFUl you REALLY ARE!

4. How To Win Friends & Influence People - Dale Carnegie -

(Life/Communication) - Only 250 pages, smaller text so another great fast read! This is a Must Read for everyone, especially in today's age where we never talk to people in person ANYMORE! We are so conditioned to online emails and phone that we forget how to interact in person! The Billionaire Warren Buffet has only 1 thing hanging on his wall, and it's his Certificate of Completion from this class taught in person by Dale Carnegie!

5. Think Like A Monk - Jay Shetty -

(Life/Happiness) - Jay Shetty is one of the best speakers and content creators around. He shares his amazing story of leaving everything behind, and living in an Ashram for 4 years as a monk, the lessons he learned and how you can apply them today to your busy life. Incredible knowledge that I think about daily.

6. The War of Art - Steven Pressfield -

(Habits/Life/Goals) - This is a Very Quick Read only 150 pages, large text! For anyone starting a business, or trying to achieve any type of goal this is for you! This is all about Resistance and how to defeat it. Also why Resistance is a good thing? Don't believe me? Read it!

7. Man's Search For Meaning - Viktor E. Frankl -

(Meaning of Life /Power of Thoughts) - This is a must read for everyone! You think your life is hard? Guess again. You think you have impossible obstacles in your life? Guess again! Viktor Frankl is a Holocaust Survivor who was in 4 concentration camps including Auschwitz. He provides incredible examples of the power of human thought and the Meaning of Life!

8. Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari -

(Real History) - The Only History Book we should ever be told to read. Period. Enlighten yourself and learn about Humans and why we are what we are today!

9. Becoming Supernatural - Dr. Joe Dispenza -

(The Power of Thoughts/Meditation) - An advanced version of You Are The Placebo. This provides even more research including real brain scans and evidence. This is the most recent book Dr. Joe Dispenza has written and boy-oh-boy am I excited for you to go down this path.

10. The 4-Hour Work-Week - Timothy Ferriss -

(Paradigm Shift/Time Management) - Tim Ferriss flipped, turned up the World upside down when he released this book. It went crazy. It jumped started his #1 podcast that is the most downloaded and shared with us the reality of what we can all accomplish in this life time and how it is extremely doable, affordable and it just requires so out-of-the box thinking!

11. Breath - James Nestor -

(Breathing/Meditation) - The Breath is your rudder to your state of being. Let me repeat that again! Your Breath... Is your Rudder... To your state of being... You think you understand the importance of breathing, or know how to breath? Guess again. Nose breathing is so vital to our health and you learn about the evolution of breathing and why we all have jagged, unhealthy teeth!

12. The Wim Hof Method - Wim Hof -

(The Power of You!/Biology) - Wim Hof the Ice Man himself shares his incredible life story and his 26 world records that will change the way you think about the control you have over your body, mind and health! He is one of the nicest, kindest, smartest humans I've ever seen/heard. It is a blessing to read this book and will open you up to entire new lifestyle you won't be able to say no to!

13. The 7-Habits of Highly Effective People -Stephen Covey -

(Habits/Goal Setting) - This book is an incredible read, it is farther down on the list due to how advanced of a read it is. This is a book you have to read after reading others to understand its importance. Also it is lots of pages and small text so only those avid readers will be able to finish it! It requires you to stop and think and implement new habits after each chapter before you can continue reading!

14. Genius Foods - Max Lugavere -

(Food/Health/Brain) - This is an incredible scientific read and really lays home the importance of the phrase "You are what you eat". These foods are vital to your health and brain function. You will learn sooooo much about the brain and body. Enjoy.

15. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck - Mark Manson -

(Depression/Life/Entrepreneurship) - This is for anyone who feels depressed, who is starting a company, who is on their own, who wants to feel less pressure and anxiety. Mark will become your shield to not care what others think about you and how you can do what you want and not feel guilty, weird, or strange. One of my favorite books!

16. Enlightenment Now - Steven Pinker -

(World Stats/Human Behavior) - One of the most advanced books I have ever read. Steven Pinker is one of the smartest humans on this Earth. This is a long read, but is so worth it. He literally breaks down every topic of human discussion and breaks down the most current stats and graphs to show you why you should be Happy and Excited for the Future! We are not as evil, or stupid as we are being told in the fear mongering media!

17. The One Thing - Gary Keller -

(Goals) - This is a short read that cuts right to the chase. If you want to achieve your goals you need to be focused and committed.

18. Tools of Titans - Tim Ferriss -

(Life/Help) - This is a HUGE book that Tim put together from all his interviews, conversations and meetings with some of the most successful and fascinating people. Each story is about 2-4 pages long, and it just shares the best habits, outlooks, ideas and things people do, eat, and say to get them prepared for the game of life!

19. Money Master The Game - Tony Robbins -

(Finance) - This is a master book of finance and investment. Tony Robbins provides interviews with the 50 richest people who have the best investment portfolios! It is incredible the insight he provides into how these rich people investment and make their money. Also my boy Rob Dyrdek highly recommends it!

20. The Body Keeps the Score - Bessel Van Der Kolk -

(PTSD/Depression/Hidden Medicine) - This book is AMAZING! For 50 years Bessel has been a psychiatrist who has dedicated his life to human rehab and trauma! This book showcases the corruption in our drug companies and medical systems! Also the power of natural rehab is wayyyy better than any drug! Also we sadly have an epidemic of bad parenting that has led to our ridiculous medical expenses and trauma that is so common in this World.


(Life/Health/Corruption) - Only 97 pages, free and it is about the MODERN EPIDEMIC that is plaguing the World in 2021. It is a fast read and is meant for children so It is very easily understood. Your mind will be blown at how we are operating as a society in regards to health!

Book Order

I put these books in order from easiest to most complex. Also they are best read in the order I have provided (personally I think) because each book helps provide a foundation of understanding to really grasp the next book. Also this is more, or less the order in which I read them and the profound, paradigm shifting ideas it gave me changed my life forever! The good news is ALL of these books combined are under $200! That is less than just ONE of my College Textbooks! - I HOPE YOU ENJOY ! And if you made it this far, then you are a true CITIZEN SCIENTIST!

Disclaimer ** I am a Citizen Scientist. I am not a PROFESSIONAL Scientist, nor am I a Doctor. Part of being a Citizen Scientist means doing your own research, experiments and becoming your own expert!**

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